Asking for your vote on June 11 to serve as Mayor of the City of Florence once again, I continue to envision Florence being an utopian city. Utopia ensures Florence citizens are safe and lead healthy lifestyles. This past four years, I have been able to leverage relationships and partnerships and work closely with citizens and businesses, both large and small, to make great strides. We did it together! When our one vote for progress was collectively voted against, we found a way to make progress. Just look, together we have been able to accomplish so much, but yet we still have so much to do! I Invite you to take a look at my vision and platform for the next term. Vote for me so together we can #continuemovingFlorenceforward! #youcannotstopprogress!
Click here to read my vision and platform booklet! For one-sheets see below:
ACCOMPLISHMENTS - One_Sheet_-_Mayor_Teresa_Myers_Ervin_Re-election_Accomplishments_Defined_-W.pdf
VISION & PLATFORM - One-Sheet_-_Mayor_Teresa_Myers_Ervin_Re-election_Platform_Defined_-_W1.pdf